Sunday the 9th July was a day of great celebration at St Anne’s on Sea URC, when church member Elizabeth Fleming was presented with a formal certificate to mark the successful completion of the first stage of her journey to become a Lay Preacher. Elizabeth has been taking part in the URC’s Stepwise programme, and her completion of the first part marks a significant achievement.
Her certificate was presented during the Sunday service led by Revd. Bob Heathcote, himself a former member of St Anne’s URC. Elizabeth received warm words of congratulation and encouragement from Bob and from Rene Kendall, the church’s Pulpit Secretary. A letter was also read out from Revd. Nigel Uden, former General Assembly Moderator of the URC, who had been minister at St Anne’s for a number of years and who recalled Elizabeth’s commitment and faith. The congregation then offered a supportive prayer for Elizabeth in her continuing studies before breaking into a joyous round of applause.
Elizabeth is pictured below receiving her certificate from Revd. Bob Heathcote and Rene Kendall.