Regular Activities


Our popular pre-school toddler and parent group. We meet every Monday morning in term time from 9:30am to 11:30am in the Hall, adjacent to our car park on St George’s Road.  Our aim as a group is to share our Christian faith in a relaxed atmosphere, including a song time and story time that has a Christian message, followed by a related craft activity.  We also provide a welcoming place for adults and children to make new friends.

STOP PRESS – We are currently operating a waiting list for places at Starfishes. If you would like to add your name please use the Contact form on the website, or call in at a Monday morning session to do so.

Dates for 2024-25 are as follows:-


9 September to 14 October

No meeting on 21 October (half term)

28 October to 16 December

Christmas break from 23 December to 6 January


13 January to 10 February

No meeting on 17 February (half term)

24 February to 31 March

Easter break from 7 April to 21 April


28 April to 19 May

Bank Holiday on 5 May

No meeting on 26 May (half term)

2 June to 21 July


Starfishes is currently fully-subscribed, and we are operating a waiting list. If you would like to be placed on the list please get in touch via the ‘Contact us’ link at the top of the page, leaving your details.

Messy Church

A monthly term-time session for all the family – children, parents, grandparents and carers, with activities and a celebration centred around a Bible reading or theme. The session concludes with a meal for all. It’s fun and a great way to learn about faith. Come along and find out. Currently being held during term-time, on the third Friday of each month at 3:30pm.

Look out for the signs in the church garden on Clifton Drive North to confirm the date of the next session.

Follow us on Facebook

Craft Group

The group meet on Thursday afternoons in the Church Hall Community Room, at 1:00pm.  This is on a fortnightly basis and is open to all who enjoy crafting.  Our aim is to raise funds for the church by selling what we make through the regular Craft and Christmas Fairs.  We also provide  local charities with blankets that have been made. All are very welcome, as it is also a friendship group for people who feel lonely and want to come together and just enjoy a cup of tea and a chat.

Any enquiries please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the contact form.

Thursday Club

Alternate Thursdays 2:30pm (Winter time only from October to March, in the Church Hall). Everyone is invited to share an entertaining and interesting presentation. We have a wide variety of talented public speakers sharing a wealth of knowledge and experiences.

2024-25 Programme (subject to change)

3 October – Beekeeping; Viki Cuthbertson

17 October – Jackie entertains at the Church’s organs; Jackie Dell

31 October – Sewing Bee; Angela Fletcher

14 November – Reflections of My Dancing Life; Bez Cooper

28 November – Russian Agent Sonya; Bernard Davis

12 December – A Celebration of Christmas; Tony Berwick

9 January – Memories of Salford; Ros Sansom

23 January – The Leprosy Mission; Liz Stone

6 February – First Lady Haulage Driver in the North West; Hilary Holden

20 February – Food; Angela Horan

6 March – Nurses at the Hall; David Hoyle

20 March – Flowers; Susan Evans & Helen Bowker

3 April – AGM and afternoon tea

Please check the latest issue of the Church Magazine (under ‘News’ above) for any alterations to this programme.