St Anne’s-on-Sea United Reformed Church consists of members of the United Reformed Church who meet together locally for worship, witness and service.
Basis of faith
As members of the United Reformed Church, we:
- reaffirm our faith in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, taking the Father to be our Father, the Son to be our Saviour and Lord, and the Holy Spirit to be our Helper and Guide;
- rejoice in the Covenant God makes with us and delight to answer it with our discipleship, living out our faith through membership of the Church;
- gladly and obediently, accept God’s call to partnership with him in his mission to all creation – declaring that he is Lord of all and making real the love which is ours in Christ Jesus.
As Elders and members, we commit ourselves to the following priorities for St Anne’s-on-Sea United Reformed Church:
- public worship which proclaims and celebrates the Gospel in ways that give glory to God and speak to His people of all generations;
- continuing development as a Christian community, the hallmarks of which are a well-informed and nurtured faith, and friendship and caring for all, which includes outreach to the community, near and far.